Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy Blog Birthday--to Me!

Today is my one year birthday in blogland. And what a year it's been!
I'm celebrating with this little piece inspired by the lovely Helen and her tile applique.
I think I'll make it into a small pillow to remember all the new friends and fun I've had this year!

Here are some of the highlights--

This quilt is made from the scraps of my wonderful new blog friends on retreat at Victoria's in New York this spring.

Speaking of the amazing and inspiring Victoria, she really got me sewing up my scraps with her 15 minutes play blog.

And there were group quilts with the fun gals over at 15 minutes play!

And this quilt from the very talented Sujata, who sent me her basket and a box of scraps.

And sweet, encouraging Beth, who invited us to make a stripe quilt last summer.

And the always jovial Tonya, who taught me how to make words.

And so many of you who cheered me on to finish this quilt and conquer those curves!

I started this blog so I could share ideas and inspiration with you. I had received so much from seeing your blogs, and felt it was time I gave something back.

I never dreamed how friendly, generous and encouraging you all could be!
Looking back at the year's highlights, I see how much you've all become a very important part of my creative life.

I visit you every day and love to see what you are doing.
Here's wishing you all great health, happiness and plenty of sewing joy for many years to come!


  1. Happy Birthday and thanks for all your posts and all your quilts that I love very much.
    ciao ciao

  2. Thanks for a year of great posts and spectacular finishes.

  3. What a wonderful post you wrote ,and a nice series of photos of the beautiful quilts you have made ,they are all so special each one with it's own little story ,I also wish you a happy blog birthday and many more to come filled with many creations and inspirations.xoxo theodora

  4. Happy blogaversary! I love your bright and cheerful quilts!

  5. Wow, have you really done all that in a year? Happy blog birthday. What a wonderful record of a fabulous year. Congratulations, I am looking forward to reading many more crafty posts in the future.

  6. Happy Bloggy--- versary!! I am so glad you have been blogging too! It has been wonderful getting to know you on the net and in person. You are truly a creative soul and I can't wait to see what next year has in store for you!!

  7. One of the things I like about blogging is keeping up with what you do. Congrats on one year.

  8. what an amazing year! great quilts, and I was happy to be a small part of the red one. happy blog birthday!

  9. Happy Bloggy Birthday! You are so inspiring, I love seeing what you are up to! Here's to many more years of inspiration!

  10. Congratulations on one year of blogging! I love every single one of your quilts! They are so inspiring!

  11. What a year! Happy blog b'day. I've enjoyed your creations all along the way. Keep on quilting.

  12. Happy blogoversary! I'm so happy you're my neighbor here in blogland! It IS a great place to be. ;) Your quilts are amazing!

  13. Well, I am SO happy you decided to blog because otherwise I would never have seen your WONDERFUL quilts!! You have a color sense that spectacular. Happy Blogiversary, and many more, please!!!

  14. Happy Blog Birthday! What a year and what a beautiful gallery of quilts... Can't wait to see what you do in the next twelve months.

  15. And your enthusiasm sparks others (like me) ... thank YOU for sharing yourself with us!!!!

  16. Happy B-B (Blog Birthday) back at ya with the inspiration stuff, I just love my cyber friends and peers. Kuddos for the great year of finishes! cw

  17. I love the quilts you shared with us. I am new to 13 Minutes Play and have gotten to know so many beautiful quilters. Victoria and everyone have been a great inspiration. I look forward to be inspirted by you more and more. Hugs

  18. Happy B-day!! Isn't it fun to look back over the year and see all the new things we tried and the new friends we made? I just got Tonya's book from a friend and can't wait to make a word quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Happy Blog Birthday! Your quilts are so wonderful and inspirational. One of these days, I hope we can meet in person. Maybe for the July meeting? In the meantime, joyful quilting and blogging.

  20. Congrates on your 1 year anniversary! I love all your quilts! Great stuff!
    Have a great day!

  21. Happy blog birthday!! I love the colors and energy of your quilts!!.

  22. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful quilts and your quilting processes the past year!

  23. Happy Blogiversary! I can't believe how productive you've been this year. I hold my head in shame... Beautiful, wonderful quilts!!!! So glad you have shared them with us.

  24. Happy bloggerversary! What a productive year you have had with all those completed pieces! Each one as lovely as the next. I look forward to your next 20 plus years of inspiration and fun.

  25. What a great year! Happy blog birthday LeeAnn- I am so glad to have met you through our blogs!

  26. Congrats on your blog anniversary! We've enjoyed all the wonderful pics of fabulous quilts you've shared! Keep up the great work.....we love to see it!

  27. Oh happy blog-i-versary! So glad you are sharing your quilting here and so very glad to know you. :)

  28. I enjoy reading your blog....happy blogiversary! You have inspired me to make a virtues quilt and I am loving that project..thanks!

  29. Congrats :o) Your blog is great, I love reading it and looking at those quilts you make. And you have made a lot this year, wish I had the same inspiration to finish.... I love making the tops, but when it comes to finish them Im a bit slow - there's always a new project that cries out my name :o)
    I cant wait for the next year and pics of all the great quilts you will be making!!

  30. Happy Blog Birthday to you!
    It was really fun to review some of your projects. I love the basket quilt really fun!

  31. Your happy quilts are like a birthday party, so thanks for inviting us all! Celebrate!!!

  32. I still remember back in the days when you had first talked about blogging. You have inspired me through out this past year and can not wait to see what you do next!

  33. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I can't believe its only one year, I have enjoyed so many great visits, admiring so many beautiful quilts, getting so much inspiration...
    Thank you for sharing your journey with us!
    ; )

  34. Hello Lee Ann, Congrats to you! Thanks for the fabulous inspiration you share with all of us - you are truly an artist, turning scraps into stunning creations. It is fascinating to me how each person's scrap quilts have their own unique look. Keep creating - I love seeing your quilts, as well as reading your stories. Best wishes!

  35. I am so glad you started blogging, you inspire me!
    I love your quilts its been a fun year watching them become quilts and hey whenever I need a red fix I know where to come :)
    heres to another year please!

  36. Congratulations! You are very inspiring and I enjoy seeing your quilts. I am coveting that zig zag quilt!

  37. Happy birthday blog to you. Thanks for sharing all those wonderful quilts.

  38. WOW!
    You did all those in one year!
    I gotta get to my machine and catch the LeeAnn inspiration bug!
    What an amazing display of wonderful quilts......which one would you pick as the favorite?
    Love the Helen tile too.

    Happy certainly have added so much to the blogging neighborhood!

    Happy sewing

  39. Happy blog first visit to your blog...but it certainly wont be my last...wonderful work...lovely lovely quilts...
    Warm greetings from south africa

  40. What a wonderful first year you have had! Congratulations and Happy Blog Birthday!

  41. You've made some amazing stuff this year, and I'm so glad you've been here in blog and to share it with us!

  42. What a great blog and such lovely quilts. So glad I found you on your blog birthday. I'll follow your work/play.
    best, nadia

  43. You've accomplished a lot in the past year, wow. I love your use of color. Who's pattern did you follow for the last quilt with curves? I'd like to make this somewhere down the road, yours is striking! Happy Blog Birthday!

  44. I can NOT believe that you finished that pickledish... it looks SO awesome! Congrats on all the work and a wonderful year!

  45. I happened to find your zig zag quilt on the net, and it's absolutely wonderful ( as all your quilts!) Congratulations!

  46. happy blog birthday! what a fabulous year you had! your quilts are so inspiring!
