Sunday, September 5, 2010

My idea of a good time

Today was a beautiful day. And, knowing it would be one of the last for awhile, I wanted to spend it outside. But I also really wanted to sew--as always. So I did what my grandmother used to do, and set up the sewing machine on the patio.

I invited my lovely neighbor, Shannon, who dropped everything and came right over. Here she is, quilting a baby quilt. Before this photo, she had layed it out on the concrete to pin it.

Even my dogs, Ruby and Malti, joined in the fun!

Happy Labor Day!


  1. Hi nifty quilts and the quilt shannon is quilting is sure nifty and how pleasant the outdoors must have been, thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog and one day just might actually visit.

  2. How wonderful! HOw long did it take you to take all the bits and pieces outside and bring them in again. It would have taken me half a day LOL!

  3. Major envy here: nice dogs, nice patio, no flies as one can see and a nice, quilting neighbor!
    (I do have nice neighbors, but none quilt). Good for you!

  4. I'll be right over with the lemonade! looks like so much fun!

  5. I love it! What a great way to spend a day. Good for you :)

  6. What fun! Took some doing to set up, but a pleasant way to sew.

  7. I have often thought of taking my machine outside but haven't done it. It is still too hot here for that but would be fun in a bit cooler weather.

  8. I'll bring some brownies! It DOES look like fun!

  9. What a great idea to set up outside! That's my idea of a good time too. I'm going to try that.

  10. you know how to have fun!! i love this!

  11. so fun. wish A) it was cool enough and low enough humidity to do that here and B) I actually had the space to do it in! just have a bitty balcony...
