Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stash Quilt

I made this quilt last year, with fabrics I wanted to eliminate from my stash. It's inspired by one I saw on the Material Obsession blog. I love that blog. Those Aussies always amaze me with their creativity!

The back used up the leftovers. It's on our bed now, and one of my husband's favorites.


  1. YUM. Guess I need to send you some more fabric!!! Your quilts are so amazingly colorful and rich. Your color sense is strong and true. (Machine quilted?) xxoo

  2. I have had my eyes on this pattern for a looong time. I think you have done a brilliant version - so full of life! Very inspiring! (For some reasons I think I see leap frogs in the blogs - does this make sense?)
    Need to go through my own stash and find some neutral / masculine fabrics...

  3. Love it!! It definitely is a great way to use scraps!

  4. Such an interesting block design. Makes a good quilt with visual interest.

  5. Wow! It is so striking! Love your use of colors in the quilt and backing is just perfect..
    Great pictures too!

  6. Your quilts are amazing, I love them.

  7. the back is spectacular!!! of course the front is cool too, but I love the complete YOU backing...

  8. Was the pattern actually ON their blog or did you just seek the quilt and then go for it? I scanned the posts but didn't see either . . .

    GREAT work!!!!!

  9. Hey Leeann, I luv this quilt! And I luv, luv, luv a pieced back!!! Fabulous stuff girlfriend! Have a great weekend and happy sewing!

  10. wow. How big is it? What a great quilt!

  11. I love it! I'm a big scrap quilt fan and this is one of the best I've seen. I may have to try my hand at one. Love the back as well.

  12. This is FABULOUS! I love the Material Obsession blog too but somehow never notice a quilt like this. Great work on both sides!

  13. that is an amazingly stash eating quilt it looks like it has teeth ,I love the design I will have to make a note of it in my little note book to remember it ,thanks for sharing.

  14. Great quilt. And I love the back. Kinda makes it a "Reversible Quilt" doesn't it. :)

  15. I love the wonky movement in it!!!!!!

  16. Oooo, I'm going to have to go check that out! Love what you've done here.

  17. adding this to the TO DO list.
    Might be a neat way to use up some nickels I have set back.

  18. I can see why that one is a favorite. So bright and zippy!

  19. Hey, I did the same thing and then had to backtrack. Yes, the pattern is on their website.

  20. it's wonderful - but I really love the back!!!

  21. I am currently in the midsts of beginning to sew up stash I no longer care for... and this is Fabulous! (And I love the back as much as the front!)

  22. Great!!! I love it!
    ...and I love the back too...
    Ciao! :)

  23. very cool quilt - the back art is wonderful!!
