Friday, November 26, 2010

Today's Goodwill Finds

The day after Thanksgiving, most of the thrift stores around here have their 50% off sales on just about everything. Of course I just HAD to go shopping.

Look at this dress! Can't you just see Twiggy wearing it! I actually paid full price for this one, $7.99. I love late 1960's and early 1970's prints. What can I say? Those were my teenage years.

My grandmother had an apron like this, only without the skunks. I can't remember what the style was called. Does anyone know? I've found a few, and I always buy them, in honor of her.

This one is not my favorite, but the print was so cute and ugly at the same time, I couldn't resist.

Throw in a few half-price shirts,

a few cloth napkins and some taxi cab yellow--in honor of Victoria, and it looks like a quilt to me!

Speaking of Victoria, the Rebels and I got to spend Wednesday with her! She's even more beautiful and inspiring in person than she is on the web.


  1. Great finds! I love the dress.. It was all worth the money you spent. I see something pretty in the horizon.

  2. What a great shopping day you had!! Love that first dress there! fun. fun.

  3. Groovy! Wish I had a shop 'round here with such cool threads.

  4. I actually love the little skunk apron. I think it's cute. :)

  5. Those are fab finds! I met Victoria this morning-- when I saw that green dress immediately thought of her grandmother's quilts! Gosh, those skunks are cute :-)

  6. LOVE that orange with the skunks! What fun!
    I'm slightly jealous that you got to meet Victoria ;- )

  7. Hey nifty! We hit a thrift store today and even though the mens shirts were 50% off, I still had a $85 dollar bill... !!!!!
    Well, my grandaughter decided she needed a quilt made from shirts and picked an arm load if shirts for herself!! :-) I guess I will be shipping a box home.. Lol!!
    But your goodies are coming home with me asap... A girl's gotta play!!! Thanks so much!!! Smiles!!!

  8. Wow!!!Love the pyscho print dress. Maybe I owned one like it. Drat!! I didn't save mine and it turned up in your thrift store and you got it to have fun with.
    Only problem is that I lived in Tacoma as a kindergartener and wore dresses that tied in the back with a bow. Bonnie

  9. what a hoot! I love how these all go together - fabulous quilt in the works!

  10. Those aprons were ART aprons! They covered you up so paint wouldn't go everywhere! We actually made those aprons in home ec! What a find!

  11. That explains why there's always a few spots of paint on them! Still, my grandmother wore hers for cooking.

  12. ...please please...just a tiny little piece of the dress...xo

  13. That skunk smock is amazing! I love buying old smocks/aprons... the gaudier the print the better!

  14. Great thrift store finds. It nice to know that I am not the only one who shops thrift stores in order to rip everything apart and make quilts from the fabrics - now that I know I'm not a lone weirdo, I might admit it to the general public!
    Re; the apron style - we always call those "mama-san" aprons, but that may just be due to 4 years in Japan...
