Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fun in the Sun

 Today was the perfect day to sew outside, a lovely 70 degrees.  Who could resist?

 I sewed the binding on this quilt, which I've been quilting little by little for the last month.  It's called "Red Lightning," and was made with the wonderful gals over at 15 minutes play.

I played with different designs on each block.  Sort of a 15 minutes play with free motion quilting.

Then I made some greeting cards.  Just little scraps on blank cards, sewn on.  It's a good thing to do just before you're ready to replace your needle. 

I hope you had a fun day too!


  1. I like the any quilt that is red and these are terrific !

  2. Pretty quilts in a very pretty setting.

  3. omgosh love those little greeting cards, what a great idea!
    The REd lightening quilt is just beautiful!!!! what fun machine quilting each block differently but I love the texture that gives to each of the different blocks can we see a picture of the whole quilt????
    I am very intrigued! must be the red, ya think?
    sewing outside what a treat!
    another fun quilt I see there as well.

  4. I love your quilt. Your work in red is always a treat.

  5. I could give "Red Lightning" a very loving home! Beautiful...

  6. a lovely day, and you got lots done! I like the idea of mixing up the quilting designs in Red Lightning.

  7. The little greeting cards are a great the quilts and really love the idea of it being 70 degrees out in the garden! (we've been in the high 90's for weeks now and it is getting old...)

  8. What a wonderful day for sewing al fresco! I like your greeting cards and the quilt is looking luscious... can't wait to see it finished in person!

  9. Pretty projects. I worked outside yesterday, too. I ironed fuseable Santa's for a block exchange I'm in.

  10. How fun is that sewing outside!! I think sewing is wonderful therapy, but this is total heaven. Wonderful projects to be working on too!

  11. Leeann,
    Your red Lightning looks perfect on the chair. A great idea to use different pattern on each block! Cooler summer days.. Oh I love the sound of that!

  12. Wonderful the different free motion in your blocks and fantastic the cards.
    I imagine to look out from a plane and to see.....
    In the 1st a corner for a pic nic.
    In the 2nd a child that playing on a terrace full of tablecloths under the sun.
    In the 3rd fields full of flowers.
    In the 4th the earth dancing with the rainbow.

    ciao ciao

  13. Wouldn't it be lovely if everyday was so delightful!?! Good for you for spending it so creatively!

  14. Those cards are fun.
    I wouldn't mind a bit of sun. It's the middle of winter here and we are all rugged up.
