Sunday, January 8, 2012

Starting the Year with Finishes

I finally got around to quilting NYC Scraps.  I made it last spring at Victoria's.

I used an overall squiggle with colorful thread.

Here's the back and binding.  It's good to finally get this done!
I think Malti approves.

My son's corduroy quilt was all tied up by Christmas, with my husband's help.   It has wool batting and a plaid flannel back.  I'm happy to say that he loves it!

I made a little flannel quilt for a new baby boy who lives in Brooklyn.  It includes scraps from flannel pants that I'd made for my son when he was a toddler.

It's pretty easy to make a cute quilt with sock monkey fabric!


  1. What a great start to the new year! Really love NYC Scraps and the tied quilt is great for a boy.

  2. LeeAnn,
    You have done it again! Oh they look absolutely gorgeous! Your Zigzag quilt is like lightening blot... Powerful!
    I am with Malti!
    Love your son's corduroy quilt and that baby in NY is so lucky!
    Thanks for the inspirations!

  3. Just LOVE your NYC zig zag quilt! It really has the pow factor going for it. You certainly never disappoint!

  4. congrats on your finishes!! i adore your cordoroy quilt.:)

  5. What a great start to the New Year! I love them all. The NYC Scraps is a knockout. And your cord quilt is wonderful. What did you tie it with? I'm still working on mine. The baby quilt is fun!

  6. You've been a super busy quilting bee! I love your zig zag quilt. Every time you look at it you'd see a different combination or favourite colour of the day. Your son is going to be SO happy with his quilt!! The tying looks wonderful. Your husband is a star for helping you, how lovely to work on something together like that. Lucky baby!! Sock monkey's are the cutest!

  7. You sure have made a great start on the year. Any one of those alone would be a great finish.

  8. I love this quilt. You photograph your quilts so well too. I should get organised for photographing quilts but never seem to find the time.

    The baby quilt is gorgeous and so is your dog - what a smile!

  9. Beautiful finishes!
    Your NYC scraps is one of my all time favorite quilts.

    ; )

  10. Love your finishes! The NYC quilt is so happy....

  11. Finishing... so good! The scrappy NYC quilt is just plain it.

  12. WOW!
    You've been busy!
    Fantastic foursome........gotta say those sock monkeys are just adorable.

    So is the flannel from over 20 years ago better than todays flannel?

    Happy Sewing, I gotta get some stuff finished before I start more....I always want to go onto the next thing!

  13. they're all great. thanks for sharing them.

  14. Super job, I love the zig zag, it really does have a NYC feel to it, all busy, yet organized. Great way to start the new year!

  15. Nifty, I love them all!
    you're off to one hell of a start for 2012, it'll be tough to keep up :)

  16. Beautiful!!! I LOVE that picture of Malti sitting there... ;-) how cute is that sock moneky quilt,the orange is fabulous!

  17. Fabulous finishes all! But my favorite is the corduroy. It is simply stunning!!!

  18. Truly fabulous finishes!! I love being able to see the fabric scraps close up on your NYC scraps. What happy riot of fabric!

  19. Yay you! What a great way to start the year. Beautiful quilts!

  20. Oh! So gorgeous - I love everything, but I would stoop to crime to get hold of the corduroy quilt.. Good thing you are far away ;-)

  21. Your NYC Scraps quilt is fabulous! I love all the prints and the zig and zags going vertical....fantastic! And the corduroy and tumbler quilt are wonderful as well. I love a tied quilt :) So precious.

  22. Hi, LeeAnn. You're starting out the new year ambitiously! The corduroy quilt is cool and I really like the NYC Scraps. I think it's the reds that make it dance.
    best, nadia

  23. I especially like this zig zag quilt because I can see some of my scraps in there. I love how you put all the fabrics together in such a happy combination. What a good time we had at that retreat!!
