Friday, April 13, 2012

Alabama or Bust!

Greetings from the kitchen table--my temporary sewing and computer space!  We've got some serious down-sizing going on at our house.  Soon I'll have a room for sewing.

Next week I'll be in Alabama to sew with some dear friends and some Gee's Bend quilt makers.  I've prepared hand work for the journey.

In my cleaning-out-of-all-things-unused, I came across some of my baby clothes.  I'm going to take them to Alabama and make a quilt.  My grandmother, an excellent seamstress made these.  I may shed some tears while cutting them up.  But I decided it's better to put them into a quilt that I can see every day, than to have them sit in the cedar chest for another 50 years.

I actually have a faint memory of this pillow case and a photo of me sleeping on it!

Do they call this a "romper?"  I must have had a few.  There are photos of me in other ones.

How about that skirt in the back?  I wonder if this is where I got my love of red and green plaids.

I suppose this is a nightgown.  Looks like a choking hazard to me.

Red gingham and rickrack!  What could be better?

Little bitty buttons

I can't imagine doing all this handwork, and then letting a toddler run around in this!


  1. Have a wonderful time. Am sure you will make something wonderful with the clothing and perhaps you can feature the handwork somehow. That kitten pillowcase is to die for!

  2. What great things to have. Save the yokes, must have the rickrack and handwork in the quilt.

  3. ooh, hope you have such a blast in Alabama. My mom made me adorable little dresses with embroidery and pleating. And taught school. aiyee.

  4. Oh don't cut them up until we get to see them :0)
    I made clothes like this for my kids too.

    Happy Sewing

  5. Cut them up and enjoy seeing them, that is the way to go. I can't wait to see what you make with them........

  6. Those cloths will make something great with even more memories tied to them. Can't wait to see what becomes of them.
    Have a great time!

  7. Love those gingham dresses, so sweet! I'm sure your grandma sewed each stitch with love - like how you sew your quilts now. :) Enjoy your trip!

  8. I have put a lot of time into toddler dresses. I did it out of love. Now the toddler is out of high school. I just found scraps from the last dress I made her.

    Have fun. Sweet memories.

  9. This should be a fun quilt to create. Have a wonderful time in Alabama.

  10. I am still using fabric from left-overs of clothing I made for my kids way over forty years ago... and some of those were from my own cut-down skirts made over sixty five years ago. Talk abour vintage...

  11. What fun to still have these little treasures, and a super idea to put them in a quilt!

    Have a fun trip - it sounds wonderful! Oh, and enjoy the sunshine too! Ours has been good lately, but theirs is sunnier, I'm sure! *grin*

  12. Good luck with the cutting up. I have some similar clothes and just can't do it!
    Tell us more about yor trip!

  13. what precious memorabilia; i'd have a tough time cutting them up for sure...

  14. These baby clothes are the best sense of that word. I do remember rompers and baby-choking kimonos. And that gathered gingham dress style is still my favorite to wear... so cool and comfy. Loved this trip down memory lane, Lee Ann. Only wish I could be at Gees Bend when you do the transformation.

  15. See you MONDAY!!!! Wahoo!!! Alabama or BUST!

  16. LeeAnn your next quilt will be fantastic if you are going to use your little dresses.
    You could take some photos, print the photos on the fabric and then work around with the fabrics that you are going to cut.

    Your MAC is like mine.
    ciao ciao Linda

  17. How lovely! Can't wait to see what they become next! Have a lovely time on your trip. Sounds like so much fun!

  18. Your grandmother would be happy knowing you're using those clothes to make something you'll use and love. I know you'll make something amazing in that wonderful Nifty style! Have a fabulous trip!! Take lots of photos :)

  19. OMG I remember a dress I wore everyday my mother would let me out of that red tartan plaid
    I remember those patterns exactly in the fabric....hmmm maybe thats when my obsession with fabric started and RED and GREEN!!!!!!

    have a wonderful time and I can't wait to see what you come up with from this trip and workshop

  20. Have a great time! I look forward to seeing what you do with those treasures!

  21. have a great time!! can't wait to hear all about it.
    I have a collection of my sister-in-laws dresses from the 60s with lots of smocking.
    I love your romper -

  22. Have a WONDERFUL time!!!
    I am eager to see what you do with the little dress. I have a stack of my to work with & not sure what direction to take.
    Wishing you safe & joyful travels!

  23. Have a fun trip. I can't wait to hear all about it. Love the little gingham & rick rack. My mom made me lots of clothes like that when I was a baby. That explains my love of rick-rack, i think.

  24. Oh my goodness, those things are so precious! I can see how hard it would be to cut into them, but agree that it would be great to see them more. Love love love the rickrack dress. And you made me LOL about the choking hazard! Please take photos on your trip--I'd love to see what goes on! Hurry back to bloggy land, cuz I love your posts.

  25. I love the juxtaposition of your old machine and modern laptop:). Lovely to have your vintage clothing to use - totally in the Gee's Bend tradition. I will look forward to reading about your experiences!

  26. Duh......I came to see what you posted about the retreat and realized you are still on the road :0)

    Happy sewing, safe travels
