Friday, July 27, 2012

"Stitch and Pitch"

A friend helped make this "yarn bomb" at the Seattle Mariner's baseball park.    It's up for today only, in honor of "Stitch and Pitch" night.  They're encouraging participants to bring their knitting, quilting and hand-sewing to the game tonight!  Now, THAT's a baseball game I'd like to attend!


  1. So fun, love all the colors. Do they get to pitch baseballs thru middle?

  2. I may ditch the Mets and become a Mariner fan!

  3. That's so cool! I bet it is going to stop traffic.

  4. Fabulous idea and a great "yarn bomb!"

    I'll be stitching from the couch while I watch the Olympic Opening Ceremony this evening. Might take sewing, some crochet, and a foray into knitting to get me through the whole broadcast!

  5. There are a lot of teams that have these as annual events! I didn't have the greatest experience when I tried w my local one, but I love going to games for the actual baseball :)

  6. Wow, that is so colourful and eyecatching. Great idea.

  7. What a great idea - long overdue! Hopefully they continue with it.

  8. How cool is that?!?! I would go to the game even though I don't like sports, just to hang around the stitchers!

  9. How cool is that! ho this has a home after tonight's game?

  10. What an amazing big knit mitt!! Always good to add some patch to the match. This is absolutely wonderful, yarn bombing is such a fun idea!!

  11. Highly recommend this event!! I've attended the "Stitch and Pitch" nights at the Mariners. What fun!! And lots of projects to comment on as you watch others knit, crochet or quilt away. Love the yarn vendors--good way to see stores I won't otherwise shop.

  12. Seriously brilliant. Would love to use it as a picture in Pinterest. Would that be okay?

  13. I take my knitting to the footy but it is always too exciting to get it out.

  14. I take my knitting to the footy but it is always too exciting to get it out.

  15. That is knitted!? Cool to have a handmade night at the game. They must be trying to attract a new demographic to baseball. Hahaha

  16. Oh, I wish I could have seen this! Awesome job!
