Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Bold Expression

I've had this quilt on the wall for about a month.

  I kept adding blocks, but I didn't like it, and I wasn't having fun.  

I was trying to make my own version of this quilt from the Bold Expressions Show.  

Lesson number one:  You can't make someone else's improvisational quilt.  Duh!

Buffy came over today.  She didn't like it, and I was so relieved to hear it!

We started throwing old tablecloths up on the wall and the excitement began.

Lesson number two:  Find a really honest friend and listen to her.

"A Bold Expression"  70 x 79"

A few hours later, this quilt top was all done!  

Lesson number three:  If you don't like it, cut it up and add outrageous fabric.



  1. WOW! It looks amazing, those table cloths have added so much zing to it! Wonderful!

  2. OMG that is INCREDIBLE!!! I love what you have to it and how it ended is amazing. I esp love the different greens and yellows and salmon you have added. Wow, I so love this quilt!!! xo

  3. What a transformation! I love how sunny and summery the quilt turned. Lots of great contrast and breathing space for the lovely string blocks. I can imagine you both had a great time in front of the design wall.
    I would say you really made it into your own signature design, vibrant quirky and beautiful!
    ; )

  4. Yes, this is much more you. The original may have inspired but the essence has to be yours. The table cloths made it work.

  5. Hi! It was good you listened yourself and your friend! Now it became so different and amazing! Great lesson to alll of us! I really love the busyness and all the mixed colours! x Teje

  6. Wow that is amazing - it really zings now.

  7. Glad you and your friend found a way to revive this one - it's so bright and zingy :)

  8. wow I need to come take a class with you and Buffy!
    I would have loved to be there to watch your fabrics flying and to hear what you two were saying!!!!
    beautiful transformation, ah its all about those fabrics :)
    thanks for sharing.
    great way to start my day!

  9. Good thing we have friends who can say it like it is. I love what Julie said.. Make your own rules. I absolutely love your version. It has a nifty touch that's quite noticeable. Great collaboration.

  10. Great lessons learned and a fabulous quilt came from it all!!

  11. hehe! Love it! It's very Nifty now! ;-) Beautiful!

  12. it's fabulous and it's a good example of how playing off each other's creative energy results in great quilts. woo hoo!

  13. I'm loving lesson number made a world of difference! I love it!

  14. You've definitely put the "B" in bold with this quilt I must say that it does grow on me each time I look at it!
    Well done! Good for you not stuffing it in a bag or box and forgetting about it.
    Your lessons are spot on as well! :O)

  15. Great "lessons!" thanks for the result!

  16. Friends and Fabric...who could ask for more?? ;)

  17. hee hee, you have the most outrageous fabric of anyone I know. woohoo, for having fun and good friends

  18. Oh yes this is you. I can still see the inspiration from the work that got you started on the quilt. If I saw this quilt somewhere else I would think it was yours! Nicely done.
    I agree with Tonya too...your fabrics choices rock!

    Happy Sewing......I hope I get to meet Buffy the quilt slayer one day.

  19. Great save!! A good friend, indeed!! I always tend to hide my pieces that I don't like in a box on a shelf--but this really turned out super!! Julierose

  20. Great lesson indeed! Your incredible gift is to be able to reconsider your work, cut it, remake it... and finally get such a result!
    I also gave a try at reproducting an improvisational quilt and it gave nothing, the magic was gone...

  21. I liked the first one but it was a bit of a knock-off. This one is all YOURS!!! (well, maybe a bit of Buffy, too)

  22. So very true. Even if you had made it exactly the same with identical fabrics, you wouldn't have liked it because it wouldn't be you. Congratulations on finding the seeds to water and grow into such an outstanding version of the original! You are an inspiration.:)

  23. Fab-u-lous!!! Nothing like going with your gut - to thine own self be true, and all that stuff - and outrageous fabric is always good too - love the lime green in there - pears, I think - delicious!

  24. Wow!! I'm inspired...the inspiration keeps rolling on, isn't it wonderful? crossing oceans, travelling through time, we're all getting a buzz from this method that these wonderful quilts encourage us to use. Thanks so much for sharing.

  25. You could call it "Your Bold Expression". Since now it's yours.

  26. "B" as in BOLD
    "E" as in EXPRESSION

    "Y" as in YES, you can get
    "O" as in OUT of the box
    "U" as in USE your own imagination for a
    "R" as in REINTERPRETATIO for an
    "E" as in EXCELLENT piece.
    "L" as in LOVE what you have done
    "F" as in

  27. You are so right (you cannot make someone else's improvisational quilt) -- listen to YOUR heart! (I keep reminding myself, too)

    Congrats on another fabulous finish!

  28. Love it, sometimes I look at quilts for ages before they come alive.

  29. LeeAnn, It's brilliant!!! Absolutely wonderful!!! It deserves a standing ovation!!! Truly beautiful!!! I received my copy of the Bold Expressions catalogue yesterday.. I haven't opened it yet because I'm saving it up until I have some quiet time on the weekend to savour it.

  30. P.S. That is definitely outrageous fabric. Wow. I'm feeling faint. Hee hee.

  31. I love your bold blocks...both before and after slicing. Either way, a very exciting project!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  32. This is so YOU and wonderFULL!!!! Love it!

  33. Admittedly, one can only say WOW! This quilt has so much energy, it dances on it's own, in fact, it might fly off the wall. A magic flying carpet?
    best, nadia

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