Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am grateful to all of you for your constant encouragement and inspiration!

Wishing you a warm and cozy holiday with friends and family.


  1. This turned out fantastic. I love all the hand quilting you did on this piece. Have a great visit with V.

  2. Yay! I love this quilt!!Thank you for your inspirational work, your wonderful posts and lovely comments. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!

  3. All the best of the holidays to you too, Nifty! LOVE that quilt!

  4. So much to look at in this quilt again! At first sight, it is very wonky. Second glance, not so much, just some stripes are! And these wonderful tulips are so welcoming...
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and all American people!
    Katell, France

  5. Wonderful quilt!! with wonderful message!

  6. I love this quilt - great message for all of us, isn't it? Life is good! Thank YOU for the inspiration - I just finished a great top that was inspired by several of my online "friends". Seeing your quilt today, I realize my layout sort of echoes yours...anyway, Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. This one of my all time favorite quilts. And a wonderful message, too!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours, Nifty!

  8. what a joyful quilt!!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  9. One of my favorite quilts! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  10. This quilt is very striking and has inspired me to try something outside of my comfort zone in the new year! I just love this quilt, it's beautiful!!

  11. Right back at you. Your quilts inspire me. So thankful I found you.

  12. Hope your Thanksgiving is as wonderful as this quilt! Have a happy holiday season!
    best, nadia

  13. Wishing you and yours the same!!!

  14. best wishes to you and your family and friends as well. Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Such a cheerful quilt and so beautiful. Thank YOU for all the inspiration. You have amazing talent and we all get to benefit from it through your blog! Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful.:)

  16. Happy Thanksgiving, LeeAnn!
    Your quilt looks beautiful!

  17. What a wonderful quilt! Thank YOU for your inspiration!

  18. Thank you for all your inspirational posts and the wonderfully exhuberant quilts you share with us. Happy holiday to you.

  19. Hi, a first comment from me on your blog...
    Great quilt and very inviting to start something like it. I added a link to it to the Random Sampler Quilt Along groupfor others in that group might feel the same about your quilt. Have a very happy and good day!! Lotje

  20. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us, Nifty!
    Love this colorful and playful quilt, it really makes me happy. Wish you a warm and cosy holiday, too!

  21. A very cheerful & happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. You have the perfect quilt for the holiday! Just Perfect

  22. Love the exuberance of this quilt!! Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving, too!

  23. Now I know why we didn't see you Tuesday night at Shannon’s. You were having too much fun whipping up this wonderful quilt.

  24. Your quilts always have such a quiet strength to them. This is wonderful. I'm grateful to have a loving family.
