Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Material Obsession Inspiration

Wahoo!  Look what I got for Christmas.  It's Kathy Doughty's new book!  

A dear friend travelled to Australia last month to visit friends in Sydney.  
She's not a quilter, but I suggested she visit Material Obsession.   

Well, she did!  AND she bought the book!  AND she had Kathy sign it!
AND she gave it to me for Christmas!

Of course, I spent Christmas night reading it, cover to cover.  

The book is generous, courageous and absolutely inspiring--
just like Kathy herself.  

The next morning I walked into my sewing room and found this on the wall.  Blah.

So I grabbed the Dresdens I had made in a class with Kathy in Sisters, Oregon, a few summers ago.  

Wa-la!  Thank you, Kathy!


  1. This is a great book indeed!
    Your Santa Claus quilt could be in it, your inspirations (Kathy's and yours) are so connected!

  2. This book is a must have....... she is really inspiring. Just look what she has inspired you to do!!! Beautiful quilt. Look forward to seeing many more.

  3. That really looks a great book and I love that happy quilt on the back cover! Adding those blocks on your quilt, you made it fantastic! Thank you for inspiration! x Teje

  4. Isn´t the book gorgeous? I got it for Christmas, too, and can hardly stop reading.
    Your quilt looks great with the added dresdens!

  5. Great addition! And my birthday's coming up - think I'll ask for that book! :) Happy New Year!

  6. I haven't even seen this book! Now I will search, is it available in the States?

  7. Lovely book and the plates are a great addition to your quilt.

  8. How perfectly those Dresden plates echo the roses! Who woulda thought?

  9. Great addition, it looks fabulous! What a great friend. I would love to have that book myself.

  10. That's Perfect!!! Love it! Isn't it great what a little inspiration can do?!



    My copy is now on order - you inspired me!!

  12. What a fabulous gift (and a great friend!). Am now officially experiencing craft/book/quilt envy. must get a copy...

  13. What a thoughtful gift and lovely outcome on your medallion quilt...I really liked it before but yes this is better :0).

    6 inches of snow last night with a layer of ice on top power out for 3 hours.....ow many months until I move south????? Ho Ho Ho

    Happy Sewing

  14. I, too, am a huge fan of Kathy's work. What a difference it makes by adding the Dresdens to your quilt. They definitely make it sparkle. Thanks for the inspiration that I get from you, too!

  15. It's a fabulous and very inspiring book! How special that your friend got your copy for you. And those dresdans look as though they were made for that quilt! Absolutely beautiful!!!

  16. thanks, it is a humbling experience to hear your reaction to the book when I so admire your quilts from afar! I am happy you like it! And the dresdens do look great on that quilt! kathy

  17. Woohoo, what a wonderful sweet friend and fabulous gift. love the dresdens on the new quilt - plus it's your own this way rather than another class quilt...

  18. I can't believe how perfect those dresdens look on that quilt!

    Looks like a fun book!

  19. Oh what a fabulous Christmas gift!! And I love your final outcome with the Dresdens from class. I just finished mine too.

  20. ok that is now a Nifty quilt! love the dresdens on there!
    isn't it a wonderful book. I admire Kathy's work too

  21. fabulous! dresdens always make something better. I bought myself a dresden template with my Christmas money and I'm going to make some today!

  22. Great gift! That's a book I am quite curious about. As I love most of Kathy's quilts, I would probably like this book as well...
    Love how the book inspired you to add the last perfect touch to your quilt top. The colors of those dresdens looks like they were made for that quilt ; )

  23. I would not have said "blah" about your quilt before, but adding the dresden plates really jazzed it up! wow! I like it!

  24. i got Kathy's book at

  25. How exciting! I love the way your quilt is all jazzed up now!!

  26. This looks like a great book and the results of your medallion is fabulous, those just make this quilt sing! Happy New year to you!

  27. Kathy is very inspirational and her books are not for beginners. She takes quilting beyond the basics.
    You never fail to surprise me and always seem to have blocks and half finished bits that just spring up out of nowhere and appear in your quilts like magic. The Dresdens belong in those corners. Perfect.

  28. Wa- La indeed. What a beautiful Christmas gift - the kind that just keeps on giving. All the very very best wishes to you for a stupendous 2013. xo

  29. what a great friend! And I love what you did with that quilt!

  30. Wow! Gorgeous with the addition of those Dresdens!!! I LOVE it!
