Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy Wear Red Day!

Thank goodness for Barbara Brackman!  She tells us about some important things in life--like today is National Wear Red Day.  It happens the first Friday in February with the purpose of raising awareness about heart disease in women.  You can see some great red and white quilts at her blog today.

Great day to start a red quilt, don't you think?  


  1. good thing I have a red sweater on!!! this is going to be fun to see what you make with these red fabrics. hope you share the project soon!!!
    I happen to just love RED!

  2. It's ALWAYS a great day to start a red and white quilt. Love the paisley print in your pic!

  3. I always think it's a great day to start a quilt - of any color! but why not red??? Thanks for the link to Barbara Brackman, too. So interesting! I love old quilts.

  4. Yay! Great to see your reds come out to play! Ill wear red today!

  5. Too late...
    Actually I was wearing a red top yesterday.

  6. any day is a good day to start a red quilt......ahhhh nice reds you've got there.

    Is this for your red trip around the world?

    Happy Sewing

  7. I have a red top, ready to quilt. Hope to finish it this month.

  8. Your quilt will be amazing (bellissimo).
    Ciao ciao Linda
