Monday, June 2, 2014

Freddy Moran Collage!

Back in April, I got to take another workshop with Freddy Moran in Mt Vernon, Washington.

Freddy, showing one of her latest works.  The one behind is also made by her.

Here's Freddy saying something like, "I never know what I'm going to make until I start."  
She demonstrated with the piece behind her, saying, "Just start...glue this flower here (as she plops it on), and this one there...(another plop), then a stem, a leaf, whatever.... Then take a look and see what you want to do next."  

She also said, "If you don't like it, leave it on your wall and keep looking at it.  
Eventually, you'll figure out what you want to do."   

Mary Keasler came all the way from Tennessee and made this beautiful piece.

I spent two days making one big mess, but I had fun and learned a ton!

The last of the tulips were blooming nearby.

And bringing color to the local farmer's market.  

Since then, I went to San Francisco and met a wonderful man who's creating a very exciting book.
Stay tuned!



  1. The tulips are so gorgeous! Some day I'm going to make it over to Mt. Vernon during the season.:) Great advice from Freddy. She is a wonderful inspiration.:)

  2. Such a wonderful class what a day that would have been. Love all the colour in your posts!! Ooh can't wait to hear more about the book. xo

  3. How much fun! And I like where your piece is going, it looks like river rocks.
    Thank you! For the tulips! I don't miss the snow & cold of the Northern climes, but I do miss the Spring flowers -- daffodils, lilacs, peonies, tulips -- {sigh} . Thank you for sharing!

  4. Love those freddy quilts! Bet you had fun!

  5. Wow! How fun! And I can't wait to hear about the man and book!

  6. Your collage looks like the tulip fields photo. Freddys classes would be very inspiring, I bet you dream of quilts after a day with her. I like the intrigue in your last paragraph.

  7. Beautiful pictures! Looks like a great class - so much color and good energy. Can't wait to hear more of your adventures, sounds very promising...

    ; ))

  8. book? looking forward to hearing more. Those tulips are gorgeous!
    I love Freddy's approach to quilt making - great to see a post

  9. wow! great class, great people, great tulips!

  10. woah, I think you hid the exciting news there at the end. interesting... lovely tulips, would love a bunch of those.

  11. I sense something good about to happen . . .

  12. You're being a tease! I will be checking your blog every five minutes for the next post.

    I like your "mess" of color as much as the wonderful tulip photos...maybe even more because they are fabric!

  13. Lucky you. I would like to do a workshop with her.
    Looking forward to your news.

  14. Such talent! Maybe someday. I'll get to take a class from her.

  15. Looks like a fabulous time with Freddy, and I can't wait to hear about "the book"

  16. Darn! I missed her again! One of these days I need to get it right. I'll have to check with her friend Judy to see when she's back and go from there.

  17. These are lovely quilts! I like bright colours. I am thinking for quite some time to try something like this. You didn't make a mess. It looks great. You should have to work on it now.
    Love the tulip fields. Know them from Holland.

  18. Lucky you doing such an inspirational class. I am intrigued about the man and the book.

  19. Looks like a lot of fun. Not messy at all. Can't wait to see both yours and Mary's finished quilt.
    Tulip fields bring back so many fun memories for me with my family. Thank you!

  20. I have Freddy's inspiring! How wonderful to get to sit under her teaching. Those!
