Tuesday, January 13, 2015

One Small Expression

It's been a sad week since the tragedy in Paris.  
But we are lifted by seeing the enormous numbers of individuals from all over the world who are expressing their solidarity in the fight for human rights.  

I, like many of you, have felt silenced, not knowing what to say or do in support.

Today Katell, my dear friend in France, offered news of many ways that stitchers are expressing their thoughts and feelings.  

"Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow" by Marie Christine Chasseraud

I was especially touched by Crayon and Pencil, maker of this quilt, who proposes an initiative for us:

For the unspeakable and to remember,
Let our needles go, 
Reaction to what happened  these last days, against obscurantism of any form,
but also for girls to go to school everywhere in the world …
let us sew, embroider, quilt a pencil on each  work this year !

So I have begun.  


  1. I am so deeply touched!
    Chantal's idea is wonderful, a simple pencil reminds us of what happened and say that we must go on fighting for everyone's rights.
    Thank you so much LeeAnn.

  2. Thank you for sharing this . As a concept it is inspired. I too shall add my voice, hands and heart.

  3. What an eloquent post . . . thank you!

  4. I despair of the increasing division, hate & cruelty in the world. There is so much that I can't imagine that any small gesture on my part can possibly make any difference.

  5. Thank you so much ! for your solidarity

  6. Thank you for passing on this initiative. I think it's a brilliant way to add our voices.
    The pen is mightier than the sword.

  7. Thank you LeeAnn. Your quilting shaped pencil is very telling.
    Marie Christine

  8. Great post. The recent attacks have lead to a lot of discussion at our house. It is hard to understand why and how to react.
    Your pencil quilting is awesome.

  9. I want to join in this act of free expression, as it reminds me of the risk...but also the necessity of taking a stand.

  10. What a great Idee:*
    Isn't it awesome, whow much a simple pencil
    can tell? A good act of solidarity all over the world....
    Thanks, Karin from Germany

  11. What a lovely idea and a beautiful way on doing something. I love the pencil youve quilted into your quilt.

  12. Thank you for posting this. I have been immobilized since this tragedy occurred. I will put a pen or pencil in all my finished works.

  13. Great idea, I can do this. What a crazy week it has been around the world. We are so blessed but cannot be complacent.

  14. Your idea is great. Thank you for your reaction. It help us in those sads moments.I made a small quilt the day after and I'll draw a pencil on all the "labels" (I don(t know if it's the right name) on the quilts I'll make this year.

  15. What a beautiful touching post, thank you for sharing this initiative.

  16. Thank you so much for posting this...

  17. I love this. Thanks so much sharing!

  18. I too will include a pencil on every quilt-small acts create mighty results.
    thank you so much for this post
