Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tonya's Here!

Tonya arrived yesterday.  Here she is, taking photos at the "Yarn Bomb" in Pioneer Square.  "No more touristy things," she said, "I want to sew!"  We leave for Sisters early this morning.  Yippee!

If you're in Seattle this summer, you can see the Yarn Bomb at Occidental Park.  There are 27 trees dressed so far, and counting.


  1. I wanna come and sew! I wanna come and play with you guys! I wanna.........Was gonna....Walla walla bing bang!!!!!! Have fun! The zany trees are definitely a sign of the fun that will be had by you both! Love, EM

  2. Have a great time in Sisters! Lucky you!

  3. You guys have a great time! Pictures, we want lots of pictures!

  4. Glad you made it safe and sound, Tonya. I'll be in Sisters on Saturday and hope to spot you, and the 'Nifty Rebels', and Bonnie and all of the many entourages through the mirage creating heat waves!

  5. Oh oh oh oh! Those trees are gorgeous! A riot of colour.

    Lots of updates and photos please. Don't forget I'm living this through you!

    Have a fantastic time.

    Love to you both.

  6. THOSE are cool...can we come up the 12th of August???

  7. I am so glad you mentioned them!!! I want to see them too.. Bonnie, How about 25th July?

  8. Great photo. Even the yellow taxi works.

  9. You guys are going to have so much fun at Sisters!!! Enjoy!

  10. Have loads fo fun!!! say Hey to Tonya from me!

  11. The decorated trees are just so cool, but so ephemeral. Wish I could go to Sisters, too. Have fun!
    best, nadia

  12. What fun!
    Wheeee....are ya gonna meet up with Bonnie too?

    Have a blast can't wait to see more photos!

    Happy sewing and Safe travels.

  13. these were sooo fun to see in person. all very happy.
