Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Two Great Quilt Shows

I saw two great quilt shows in the San Francisco area recently
featuring my favorite kind of quirky quilts!

The first was an exhibit curated by Roderick Kiracofe 

This was the entry, all sweet old quilt tops hung on clothespins.

Here are some of my favorites quilts, many are from Roderick's collection.
You'll recognize some of them from his wonderful book, 
It was thrilling to see them up close!

Dots and stripes!

All made of hat bands.

This one was particularly intriguing.  

All the pieces were sewn on only three sides!
Hmm, little pockets?

He also incorporated some newer quilts.

By Sarah Nishiura

By Joe Cunningham.

I got to visit with Roderick and have him sign my book!
If you'd like a signed copy, you can purchase it here.

The next exhibit featured quilts from Eli Leon's collection

Here are a few highlights. 

By Rosie Lee Tompkins

By Rosie Lee Tompkins

By Angie Tobias

By Mattie Pickett
Love that pink binding!

By Sherry Byrd

By Mattie Pickett
My favorite of all!


  1. Lucky you! What a wonderful collection of design. So fun and inspiring. I have the book and have really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow what a wonderful creative outing! You must have been in seventh heaven. These quilts are so you.

  3. So much fun design and playful piecing in these lovelies. It must have been hard to walk away and leave them behind. So glad you were able to take pictures, and share them with us!
    ; )

  4. Thanks for the heads up on these exhibits! I'm a member of SJMQT and have been meaning to go, now I MUST put this on my calendar. Meanwhile, I have never been to the Oakland museum. Must go!

  5. Wow! Love to see all these wonderfully free quilts. So much fun for you!

  6. Wonderful selection of quilts, I especially love the pic of those quilts on the clothesline and that very colouful improv one by Angie Tobias! Thanks for sharing!

  7. These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing these amazing quilts!! I bet you are inspired to sew after seeing these shows.

  9. What a treat! You lucky dog! I am so jealous. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  10. Perfectly amazing quilts!
    I have to tell you, as someone who works at a museum, it pains me to see those quilts hung with clothes pins. They are humble, but still.

  11. Just goes to show, if it works, it is the right way. So much for the quilt police.

  12. You must have thousand ideas for new quilts now! Some of them are so "new". It is amazing how creative these quilters are.
    Many of them are beauties and among them the dark green in the end...

  13. Hi LeeAnn,
    I have known about these two exhibits for so long and was feeling sad that I wont be able to see them in person! Life has amazing way of working things out! I am not even more tempted to visit both the galleries as soon as we get there. Thank you for posting these pictures. They have made my curiosity go through the roof!

  14. Thank you so much for all these photos. I do love that sort of quilt.

  15. I love this post! Thanks for sharing these beautiful quirky quilts!

  16. How great to have your book signed by R. Kiracofe! How I wished I could visit those exhibitions! I love those unconventional quilts, they are so fresh and spontaneous, and I must say that my favorite is the same as yours. In another style, I like very much the low volume quilt of Sarah Nishiura. Thanks for all those beautiful inspirational pictures!

  17. OH! So many ideas, like mice running up and down with threads of inspiration... So quick and difficult to catch!
    My favourite is also the last one.

  18. What an exhibit! Thank you so much for the photos. That last star quilt makes me weep in the best possible way:)
