It was a charmed and delightful trip to Alabama and Tennessee! We laughed and laughed, made new "sisters," ate well, walked and sewed until we dropped.
This is the path between our sleeping cabin and the sewing/dining room. |
Rocking chairs on porches seem to represent the South. These were on our back porch. |
Bonnie, Tina and I stayed an extra day with Mary in Tennessee. We went to a couple of antique shops and found some amazing old quilts! Tina came home with this top. |
And this quilt. |
I bought this Rocky Road to Kansas top. |
And this top.
And this quilt, all made of silky fabrics. |
I worked with some of my old baby clothes that were sewn by my grandmother. China Pettway helped a lot. I came home with one rendition, but decided I didn't like it. So I picked out the blocks and started over. Here's last night's version. I'm still not pleased, but will keep going until I like it! |